Saturday, May 26, 2018

May 14, 2018 -- The book tasted sweet in my mouth, but was bitter in my stomach.

May 14, 2018 -- Jerusalem, Israel

Today the US Embassy officially opened in Jerusalem.  I did not visit the embassy, but I was able to capture a picture of one of the new embassy signs.  There were signs around Jerusalem expressing appreciation for US President Trump and his support of Israel and for the opening of the embassy. 

Things appeared to be pretty peaceful in Jerusalem.  I asked one individual what his thoughts were as a Palestinian concerning the embassy opening.  He said that it did not change much because Jerusalem was already the location of the Israeli government.  In a sense it is already the capital of Israel.  I then asked him why some Palestinians were so upset about the US moving its embassy.  He said that they do not understand and that maybe they are being worked up by radicals.

Today I visited the tunnels along the Western Wall (Kotel) of the Temple Mount-Haram al Sharif.  The tunnels reveal hidden sections of the Western Wall.  A secret underground passage reveals mikves, water cisterns, streets from Second Temple Period, a quarry where stones were excavated for the Western Wall, a damaged Herodian stone most likely from the Roman’s destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple in the 1st century CE.  The Herodian stones used in the construction were massive and impressive.  The work done to prepare and dress the stones was done with stunning precision. 
The quarry that was excavated for stones appears to have been in operation up until the work stopped.  A likely scenario is that workers were building and finishing up the wall up until the Romans destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple.  I have included a short video from here from the Western Wall Heritage Foundation.  

Example of Stone Workmanship for the Western Wall
Broken Stone in the Western Wall -- Most Likely from Roman Destruction in 1st Century CE

Closeup of Broken Stone -- Above the stone are small blocks that were a restoration to the wall at a much later date.

Women Praying in Tunnel at Western Wall

Closeup of a Section of the Western Wall
Narrow Passage on Northern End of Western Wall

Picture of a Quarry Excavation within 5 Feet of the Western Wall
The day ended on a much somber note.  It was reported that 58 Palestinians were killed at the Israeli-Gaza boarder by Israeli forces.  Israel argues they have a right to protect their boarders.  Others responded to the killings calling them a “massacre.”  Some say that they were peaceful protests; though there is evidence that they were not peaceful in the sense Americans understand peaceful/nonviolent demonstrations such as Martin Luther King Jr or Mahatma Gandhi.  In fact, there is evidence that some protesters attempted to harm Israelis and Israeli property.  It also appears that Israel had warned the demonstrators not to approach the fence or there would be deadly consequences.
What seems certain is that Israel responded to the apparent threat with deadly force.  It was not, it seems to me, a proportional response to that threat.  However, it appears that some of the protesters had intentions to rush the fence and brake through in order to enter the land and harm Israelis.  In the broader context, Israel has neighbors that have and continue to endanger its existence calling for the extinction of Israel.  

I fear that Israelis and Palestinians are being played like a chess game by unseen forces.  I hope and pray that both sides will awaken to the light and hope of a new day.  I pray daily for the leaders in the Middle East that we all might live peaceful and godly lives.  Some sides stress peace.  Others point to godliness.  We in the US and the Middle East need both!  The present state in Israel/Palestine is hard to swallow for many Americans.  It is for us both sweet, but bitter.    Lord Have Mercy!  

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