Saturday, October 14, 2017

October 14, 2017 -- Nearly 3000 Jews Visit Temple Mount During Sukkot


2,265 Jews visit holy site during Sukkot holiday; Amman decries influx as 'storming of Al-Aqsa Mosque by settlers and Jewish extremists'

Thursday, October 5, 2017

October 5, 2017 -- WAQF rejects Israeli courts call to ban soccer on Temple Mount.


The Jerusalem Waqf office, which is subordinate to the Jordanian Waqf office, condemned the decision of the Jerusalem police to prevent Arabs from playing soccer on the Temple Mount.

In a statement, the Waqf said that it does not recognize the authority of the "Zionist courts" to intervene in the affairs of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and therefore refused to respond to the summons sent by the courts to hear claims filed against it.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

October 3, 2017 -- Supreme Court Ruled Soccer Games are Forbidden on Temple Mount

ARUTZ SHEVA 7 (October 2, 2017)

The Jerusalem District Police legal adviser promised to clarify to officers the legal policy regarding soccer games on the Temple Mount.

The Supreme Court ruled that soccer gamesare forbidden on the Temple Mount, since they desecrate the site's holiness. This policy does not include the area near a school on the Temple Mount.

Attorney Haim Bleicher of the Honenu legal organization in a letter explained that "approximately one month ago, Jewish visitors to the Temple Mount noticed that the Arabs' soccer games had spread into the Temple Mount's main area."

"The police refused to hear their complaints, so the Jews spoke to a lawyer, who demanded the police do 'everything possible to avoid another such occurrence, and to bring those who desecrate the Temple Mount to justice.'"

Such conduct, Bleicher said, "is a desecration of a holy place and insults all who visit the Temple Mount, as well as all those who believe in Judaism."
The letter also noted that playing soccer in holy places is illegal and the punishment for such actions is seven years in prison.

Responding to Israel Police's promise to clarify the policy regarding soccer on the Temple Mount, Bleicher said, "I hope that from now on, the police will work determinedly to safeguard the site's holiness from Arabs who desecrate it."
Arabs continuously desecrate the holy site by holding soccer games against the law, and even have clowns perform there.

October 3, 2017 -- Call to Close Temple Mount to Muslims for Sukkot

ARUTZ SHEVA 7:  A group of Temple Mount activists have called on the government to close the Temple Mount to Muslims during the upcoming Sukkot festival, after Jews were barred from the site during a recent Muslim holiday.

The Students for the Temple Mount movement issued a statement Sunday, blasting the ban on Jewish visitation of the Temple Mount during the Eid al-Adha festival. Activists say no prior warning was given for the ban, and Jews seeking to ascend the Mount were simply denied access.

“It is outrageous for the authorities to close the Mount during every single Muslim holiday or festival,” the statement read. “As it is, the Mount is closed to Jews on Friday and Saturday, and even during the rest of the week it’s only open to Jews for four hours a day; now the police have decided to close the Mount on additional days whenever they want?”
“What was really disgusting about this whole situation is that the Israeli Police didn’t even bother to tell all of the people who wished to visit the Mount that it would be closed for the four days from Friday to Monday, so that people took the trouble to come to the entrance of the Mount, only to find it locked, with no note left by police at the gate. This is abuse for its own sake, intentionally hurting people who visit the Temple Mount and trampling their rights.”

Activists say that when they contacted the police department’s Temple Mount unit, they were told that the site was open to all visitors on Sunday – when it in fact was closed to non-Muslims. When activists called again later, the unit changed its response, acknowledging that non-Muslims would not be permitted to enter the site.

Jews Have Worshiped and Visited the Temple Mount for Nearly 2500 Years

  Jews Have Worshiped and Visited the Temple Mount for Nearly 2500 Years I came across an interesting video.   I wish to share it with you...