Saturday, February 2, 2019

Pope Francis, Christianity, Islam, and the UAE (part one) edited

Pope Francis will visit Abu Dhabi, UAE February 3-5.  While visiting the Catholic community in the region, the pope's mission appears to be modeled on Saint Francis of Assisi.  As the crusades were taking place large numbers of Europeans were heading to the Holy Land in order to defend Christians with the willingness to follow the steps of Jesus.  Weapons were employed and a desire to lay down one’s life.  However, Saint Francis is an alternative and very much the imitation of Jesus.  Not only is he willing to go to Jerusalem and die as a martyr, Francis is also willing to take up the preaching of the Gospel (without arms), which he did before the Sultan al-Malik al-Kamil in Egypt.  Apparently he did not entirely convince him, but Francis did appear to win the hearts and minds of others with his approach.   

Saint Mary's Catholic Church in Dubai, UAE (REUTERS/JUMANA ELHELOUEH)

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