Sunday, February 3, 2019

Pope Francis, Christianity, Islam, and the UAE (part three)

Pope Francis’ visit to the UAE this week is historical for a number of reasons.  His journey is the first papal visit to the region.  Nearby Saudi-Arabia is the birth place of Islam. Not surprisingly, his trip takes place during the 800th year anniversary of the historical meeting between Francis of Assisi and Sultan al-Malik of Egypt.  Francis has not been afraid to warn of the extremism that is sometimes inherent in the name of religion.  Thus he seems to follow the warning of his predecessor Pope Benedict XVI.  However, Francis like Benedict is also consistent with Vatican II’s teaching on Islam that seeks to point out and appreciate those aspects that are good.  Pope Francis sees the coming meetings an opportunity for mutual dialogue and understanding between Christianity and Islam.  Hoping the visit will be encouraging to Christians and fruitful for inter-religious conversation.

Pope Francis arrives in Abu Dhabi, UAE (AFP/Getty Images)

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