Saturday, February 9, 2019

Human Fraternity

One of the goals of Pope Francis' trip to the UAE was inter-religious dialogue.  He seems to be writing a page in the history of religious conversation.  Specifically, he signed a joint document "Human Fraternity” with the Grand Imam Ahmed Al-Tayyeb.  There already have been a number of responses to the document.  Some are critical.  Others are less so.  US Catholic officials welcomed the signing of the document.  

One of the controversial points in the document is its comments on pluralism and diversity of religion as something willed by God.  There are other points that might not be objectionable: the condemnation of terrorism and the pretense of religion to wage war; the call to protect various places of worship – synagogues, churches, and mosques; and the call to stop supporting terrorist movements.  Time will reveal the problems, merits, and degree of success of the document.  

Pope Francis and Grand Imam Ahmad Al-Tayyeb 

UPDATE (3/8/2019): Bishop Schneider later received a clarification from Pope Francis on the statement in Human Fraternity that pluralism and diversity of religion is willed by God.  The diversity of religion is the result of the permissive will of God and not as something positively willed by God such as the diversity of sexes. 

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