Monday, February 4, 2019

Critical View of Pope's Visit to UAE

If you have been following my comments on Pope Francis’ visit to the UAE, I mentioned various views on the relationship between Christianity and Islam.  The first is a kind of inclusivism, which holds that there is no real difference, so perhaps let us just all get together.  The second is a kind of exclusivism, which argues the two religions have nothing in common.  The third is a kind of conversation that works to discover those truths held in common.    

I found a recent post entitled “A Not-So-Innocent Abroad: Pope Francis in Arabia,” which is the first part of an article by Srdja Triflovic who scrutinizes the papal visit to the UAE.  Triflovic expects nothing good to come from Pope Francis’ meeting with the “Muslim Council of Elders.”  He is especially critical of Sheikh Ahmed el-Tayeb who is involved with the  dialogue.  Triflovic’s view of Islam seems to find very little if anything common between the two religions.  Thus, he is not very optimistic about Pope Francis’ meeting with Muslim leaders in the UAE. 

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