Friday, April 19, 2019

Update on Temple Mount

This year, the date of the Jewish Passover coincides with Good Friday on April 19, 2019.  This past Monday, April 15, 2019, a small fire broke out on the south east corner of the Temple Mount near olive trees.  Although the cause of the fire is not certain, it is thought to have been started by children.  The fire happened on the same day as the fire at Notre Dame in Paris, France.    

In other news, four individuals (two Temple Mount activists and two journalists) were arrested on Thursday near the Jaffa Gate.  It was believed they were on their way to the Temple Mount in order to sacrifice two young goats.  It is not unusual for individuals to attempt to enact a ritual sacrifice on the mount during the Passover; however the Israeli police firmly enforce the Status Quo on the site that does not allow Jews to pray and worship on the location.      
Jaffa Gate (2018) LFL

Jaffa Gate (2018) LFL

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