Friday, April 5, 2019

Coming Israeli Election and the Temple Mount

The 2019 Israeli Election Day is on April 9.   There are nearly 15 parties with candidates who are running.  Among them is the Likud party headed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu whose stance on the Temple Mount is to uphold the Status Quo.  However, not all candidates are supporters of the present status.  In fact, Moshe Feiglin who is head of the Zehut party said that he wants to build the Jewish Temple now.  His plan would move the government to the Temple Mount and grant the Chief Rabbinate authority over the location.  He would also extend Israel’s authority into the West Bank and require Arabs who live in Israel to agree and if not they will be relocated with the help of the government.  Feiglin, like his party, is liberal in some of his views, for example legalizing cannabis.  For the platform of the Zehut party, which includes a discussion on “The Heart of the City: The Temple Mount,” click here.
It is interesting to see how the upcoming elections turn out.  Feiglin is perhaps too liberal and even radical for some.  What is surprising is that he overtly calls for the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount in which Jewish religion and the Israeli state are not separate, but one.  Apparently, this approach has the support of others.          

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