Thursday, January 28, 2021

Tu b’Shevat

Today is Tu b’Shevat (15 Shevat).  It is the day to give thanks to God for both the “beauty and bounty of trees.”  While I was out walking today around 3:33 PM, I suddenly heard the beautiful song of a single bird in a tree nearby.  As I looked around, I saw the majestic sun shining on another nearby tree.  Gradually, numerous kinds of birds (sparrows, robins, woodpeckers) began the gather in lofty trees nearby.  Soon it was like a majestic chorus of sounds.  A few of the birds approached me on trees nearby and were not startled at my presence.  I sang and prayed along with them and watched as they moved, danced, and darted from tree to tree.  It was a remarkable experience.  I was not the only one rejoicing in God's presence, but all creation seemed alive.    

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