Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Climate Change on and around the Temple Mount


Some people say climate change is having an effect on the extent of sea ice caps at the north and south poles and uncovering land and sea.  Climate changes and their causes are studied and debated.  Although I hold the view that the sun is the most dominant cause for changes in the earth’s climate, humans have a part to play.  Be that as it may, I see the changes at the poles as an analogy or sign of the times.  There is another pole that is changing.  It is the center pole.  In the heart of the cradle of civilization of the Middle East, another change and uncovering is coming to light.  Jerusalem and the Temple Mount—held by some to be the Axis Mundi or omphalos (navel of the world)—are also seeing something like climate change.  More and more evidence is being uncovered that demonstrates the existence of the Semitic civilization centered on and around the Temple Mount in Jerusalem over 2000 years ago.  Most recently, a two-shekel weight, which is thought to be more than 2600 years old (that is, First Temple Period) was uncovered under Wilson’s Arch, which once stood by the Western Wall of the Temple Mount.  Things that have been hidden are coming to light under the Sun. 

Edited 10/15/2020

Photo Credit: Shai Halevi and the Israel Antiquities Authority 

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