Saturday, December 14, 2019

Jewish Prayer under Olive Tree

I happened upon news recently that a quorum of Jews were allowed to pray on the Temple Mount this past Thursday.  I was at first surprised.  The Waqf interprets the current status quo on the Mount in a way that prohibits Jewish prayer on the Mount.  However, things seem to be changing.  Is the Waqf losing control over the location?  Earlier this week, Yehuda Glick, a Temple Mount Activist and former Likud MK, visited the Temple Mount and was verbally harassed by a Waqf official.  The Waqf guard was later arrested.  Then a video appeared on the web showing the above mentioned quorum of Jews quietly praying under an olive tree.  As the camera pans you see individuals who are dressed in Israeli police uniforms nearby tacitly allowing them pray.  At one point the camera captures the Dome of the Rock in the background.

[Update] I found another video that purports to show Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount earlier this week.  Click on link below:

Jewish Prayer on the Temple Mount 

1 comment:

  1. I found another video that purports to show Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount earlier this week.


Update on Jewish Prayer on the Temple Mount

In an article by Rayhan Uddin in the Middle East Eye , Israeli Minister Ben Gvir says, “If I could do what I wanted, a synagogue would…be e...