Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Tempus omnia revelat (time reveals all things)

During the 2016 US presidential campaign and election, one thing became clear to me.  It was like watching a reality show and candidates were playing and arguing their part.  In other words, I viewed the presidential candidates more as sophists and actors than politicians.  So, when I heard something recently, I saw yet another episode.  Today, Wayne Allyn Root said that President Trump,

is the greatest president for Jews and for Israel in the history of the world. Not just in America, Trump is the best president for Israel in the history of the world. And the Jewish people love him like he is the King of Israel. They love him like he is the second coming of God.

President Trump’s tweeter account responded with, “Thank you to Wayne Allyn Root for the very nice words.”  And then there were the responses to Trump’s response.  He has “the audacity and the messianic complex to praise himself,” tweeted one user, and another that, “president Trump was quoting someone else while trumpeting himself as the Messiah,” and yet another argued, “You are totally delusional. Please seek medical attention immediately.”  There were numerous supportive responses.  One respondent tweeted, “We love president Trump in Israel!  The best friend the Jewish people ever had in the White House!  Thank you!”  Finally, someone tweeted, “We love President Trump!  And Israel must be thrilled that we have the most pro-Israel president in the history of this Country in the White House.”  

So the saga continues!  The movie is unfolding.  There are just more actors on the stage playing a part.  The question is what kind of movie am I watching?  Is this a comedy?  Or is it a tragedy?  Or is it “noise and confusion” and simply an illusion?  I continue to watch and pray that the thoughts and intentions of many may be revealed.  The Father of time reveals all things.      

Israelis show gratitude to US President Trump just outside the Old City of Jerusalem (Summer 2018) LFL

Jaffa Gate to Old City of Jerusalem (Summer 2018) LFL

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