Saturday, March 9, 2019

Tug-A-War in the Temple Mount

It has been something like tug-a-war near the Gate of Mercy in the Temple Mount.  Palestinians have taken over a building near the Gate of Mercy (Golden Gate), which Israeli forces closed in 2003, and have turned it into a place for prayer.  However, an Israeli court warned that they would order the closure of the contested area if the Muslim Waqf failed to close the site.  Israeli police refused to remove their shoes when they entered the building used for prayer near the gate.        

King Abdullah II traveled to Washington on Saturday in order to speak to Congress about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in general and specifically the new tensions that have arisen between the Israeli police and the Muslim Waqf at the Gate of Mercy.  An Israeli delegation had visited Jordan earlier this week, but no resolutions were made concerning the current crisis. 
The Gate of Mercy building in the Temple Mount, Jerusalem, March 7, 2019 (Credit: AFP)

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