Thursday, July 5, 2018

Israel's View on Syrian President Assad

Source: Aljazeera News 
The Syrian war is now in its eighth year.  Many have speculated on Israel’s positions on the war and President Assad.  Some suggest Israel wants Assad to remain in power.  During his rule, the Golan Heights have remained relatively peaceful.  Others within the Israeli government want him deposed.  However, it is becoming clearer that analysts suggest Israel wants Assad to remain in power.  A recent article from Haaretz argues that Syrian President Assad has become Israel’s ally.  According to Elie Podeh,

With the growing realization that the Assad regime will remain in power, there is a tendency in Israel - and this was probably the result of recent Israeli-US-Russian consultation - to ensure Israel's acceptance of the Assad regime….The bottom line is that Israel wants to ensure the stability and quietness of the Israeli-Syrian border, and if the Assad regime will do its share - as in the past - then Israel will be satisfied.

This is in large part the result of Russia, who is helping Assad bring an end to the war.  Fortunately, Russia has a good relationship with Israel, which allows both sides to work together to minimize conflict in the air and allows Israel to strike against Iranian, Syrian, and Lebanese Hezbollah targets which are located within Syria. 

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