Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Musing on a Temple Mount Stone

July 22nd was the fast of Tisha B’Av on which Jews remember the destruction of their first and second temple.  A day later on the 23rd a huge section of a stone block that weighs between 200-400 pounds fell from the Western Wall nearly hitting a woman that was worshiping on a new prayer plaza near the south west corner of the mount.  Although the exact cause has not been determined, several suggestions have been presented.  Either rain water that collects on the Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif, which seeps out through the wall, or vegetation that grows between the stones of the wall might have weakened the stone.  Some Palestinian authorities accuse the Jews of excavating near and below the foundations of the al-Aqsa Mosque in an attempt to bring down the mosque in order to build the third temple.   Another suggestion is that the Northern Branch of the Islamic Movement and the Waqf illegally used heavy machinery below the al-Aqsa Mosque in order to create an underground mosque, thus in directly and eventually causing the failure.  Others have a more spiritual musing and mooring tied to the fall of the huge stone. 

You can see a video of the stone fall from the wall here.      
[Later reflections].  Perhaps it is helpful to remember the wisdom of Solomon who proclaimed that even the highest heavens cannot contain God (1 Kgs 8:27) and follow the words of the prophet that heaven is merely the throne of YHWH and earth a footstool (Isa 66:1).  Everything that can be shaken will be shaken including buildings made with human hands.  Perhaps it is better to remember the promise of the new heavens and a new earth and the temple not made with human hands.  

A stone that fell off the Western Wall in Jerusalem can be seen near the wall in Jerusalem's Old City

Monday, July 30, 2018

Conflict on Temple Mount

On Friday a conflict broke out on the Temple Mount.  Aljazeera’s headline read, “Israeli forces storm Al-Aqsa Mosque with tear gas, stun grenades.”  The Jerusalem Post read, “Dozens of Palestinians Riot at Temple Mount Following Friday Prayers.”  Apparently following prayers, a group of individuals began throwing fireworks and stones at the Israeli police, after which the individuals barricade themselves in the Al-Aqsa Mosque.  In a rare move the police then enter the mosque and arrest some of the individuals and attempt to clear the mount, which was shut down for a time and later reopened. 

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Kushner and Greenblatt threaten to abandon plan to rebuild Gaza because of growing hostility in that region.

As violence continues to flare up, Kushner and Greenblatt threaten to abandon a plan for rebuilding Gaza.  Foreign investors are not willing to pour money into Gaza where some fear a full-blown war could ignite between Israel and Hamas. 

Israel shoots down Syrian jet near Golan Heights

On Tuesday, Israel shot down a Syrian Jet near the Golan Heights.  Israel has made it clear that they will not allow the Syrian war to spread into Israeli territory.  The downing of the Syrian jet is the first since 2014.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

I love Israelis and Arabs! Hamas rhetoric not so much!!

I love Israelis and Arabs!  Hamas rhetoric not so much.  Have you seen this reported video of Senior Hamas official Fathi Hammad?

Although something worse is coming, let us pray with humility, "Lord have Mercy." 

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Russia, the United States, and Israel/Palestine

US President Trump will hold a summit with Russian President Putin in Helsinki, Finland on Monday.  While a number of American elites encouraged President Trump to cancel the meeting, he is going forward with the conference. 

The United States and Russia share common links.  Both grew out of the Greco-Roman world.  Both find their roots in Israel/Palestine grounded in the Ancient Near East and the African Peninsula.  Both have been shaped by Hebrew, Jewish, Christian, and Islamic beliefs and ideas.  Both have been influenced by European history and major events in her story such as the Great Schism of 1054, the Protestant Reformation of 1517, the Enlightenment or Age of Reason (18th century), and many more.  Both have neighbors near and within their borders.  Canada is to her north, Mexico and South America (and others) to the south, and indigenous people within her boarders.  Both the US and Russia face the changes, growth, developments, and challenges of the Middle East and the Far East.     

Wii are like lamps that are part of something bigger and greater than ourselves.  Wii each are joined to something that looks like lamp stands.  Somehow and someway we both need to find common links with Israel/Palestine.  Jerusalem is the home of three major religious traditions.  Two of the major languages spoken in Jerusalem are Hebrew and Arabic.  The other two most spoken languages I noticed when visiting Jerusalem are English and Russian.  Both the United States and Russia must renew their thinking and discover what united them with each other with what is rooted in Israel/Palestine.  

Let us hope and pray for God’s blessing to help us turn from our evil ways and turn to what is good. 

Friday, July 13, 2018

Syria, Daraa, and Israel

On Friday, Syrian forces raised the flag over the town of Daraa near the Jordon boarder as a result of their victory over Syrian rebel forces.  In a twist of irony, Daraa was the epicenter of a conflict that eventually submerged Syria into its civil war that has lasted more than seven years.  In March, 2011, a group of teenage boys were arrested after graffiti had been found sprayed on a high school wall suggesting President Assad should step aside.  This happened as the Arab Spring was sweeping around the Mediterranean Sea in areas such as Tunisia and Egypt.  The boys were treated terribly which led to protests, which led to revolts that resulted in Syria using extreme force to quench the uprising.  After seven years, some analysts suggest the war is winding down.

This past week Israel fired Patriot missiles at two Syrian drones on two different occasions, one on Wednesday and the other on Friday.  Israel also struck three Syrian military positions on Wednesday night in response to the first of the Syrian drones that invaded 6.2 miles into Israeli space.  Israel has made it clear that it will not allow the Syrian war to spread into Israel.  If Syrian President Assad shows proper restraint and remains within his limits, things may calm down soon.  However, if the Assad regime moves beyond its authority, this would lead to a greater conflict in the region. 

Let us hope and pray that we may live peaceful and Godly lives, and lives of freedom.  May the nations be open to the Divine Spirit of God. 

Come Holy Spirit and enkindle within our hearts, minds, souls, and strength the fire of your light and love.  O God, send forth your Spirit and renew the face of the earth.  A Spirit of justice, judgment, and mercy.      

Monday, July 9, 2018

Update on the Temple Mount: Uri Ariel and other MKs visit Temple Mount after nearly three year ban.

Uri Ariel
Following a three year ban, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has allowed ministers of the Knesset (MKs) to visit the Temple Mount.  There are new regulations among which MKs must notify Netanyahu twenty-four hours in advance and will not be allowed to give speeches on the mount.  The first two MKs to ascend the mount were Uri Ariel and Sharren Haskel.  The MKs will be allowed to visit the mount only once every three months.  In a not too surprising move, the Palestinian Authority condemned visits by Jews to the Temple Mount.

In a recent video, Ariel is to have said,

We hope and pray that the 9th of Av will be a day of happiness as the prophet says: “We will build a second Holy Temple and there will be no more fast days, rather all of the sacrifices that we read on Shabbat in the section of Pinhas, we can fulfil and not just learn about.  If it is God’s will and with God’s help, the Priestly Blessing for everyone, for everyone that goes up, with God’s help.

Ariel is a member of the Jewish Home (Ha Bayit Ha Yehudi) party, which is a Jewish Orthodox, Zionist political party.  His political and religious views are not without controversy. 

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Israel's View on Syrian President Assad

Source: Aljazeera News 
The Syrian war is now in its eighth year.  Many have speculated on Israel’s positions on the war and President Assad.  Some suggest Israel wants Assad to remain in power.  During his rule, the Golan Heights have remained relatively peaceful.  Others within the Israeli government want him deposed.  However, it is becoming clearer that analysts suggest Israel wants Assad to remain in power.  A recent article from Haaretz argues that Syrian President Assad has become Israel’s ally.  According to Elie Podeh,

With the growing realization that the Assad regime will remain in power, there is a tendency in Israel - and this was probably the result of recent Israeli-US-Russian consultation - to ensure Israel's acceptance of the Assad regime….The bottom line is that Israel wants to ensure the stability and quietness of the Israeli-Syrian border, and if the Assad regime will do its share - as in the past - then Israel will be satisfied.

This is in large part the result of Russia, who is helping Assad bring an end to the war.  Fortunately, Russia has a good relationship with Israel, which allows both sides to work together to minimize conflict in the air and allows Israel to strike against Iranian, Syrian, and Lebanese Hezbollah targets which are located within Syria. 

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Pope Francis to gather in Bari, Italy with other Christian leaders concerning the present situation of Christians in the Middle East.

On July 7, 2018 Pope Francis will gather with other Christian Church leaders in Bari, Italy.  They will address the present situation in the Middle East where war, conflict, and persecution have affected many Christians in that region.  Although the meeting will focus on reflection and prayer for Christian unity, it will also discuss the importance of Inter-religious dialogue.   

Nineteen (19) leaders of Churches (or representatives) have accepted Pope Francis’ invitation to meet in Bari on Saturday.  Among those attending are the following:

1.      The Orthodox Churches

2.      The Oriental Orthodox Churches

3.      The Assyrian Orthodox Church

4.      The Catholic Churches

5.      The Lutheran Church

6.      The Middle East Council of Churches

7.      The Ecumenical Orthodox Patriarch Bartholomew

8.      The Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II of Egypt

9.      The Chaldean Catholic Patriarch, Cardinal Louis Raphael of Iraq

Although the Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill will not be attending the gathering, he is sending Metropolitan Hilarion of Bolokolamsk.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Palestinians plan protests.

According to some Palestinians, it is an incitement to call Jerusalem the capital of Israel.  Palestinians are planning major protests against Trump’s peace plan.  Protests are planned to take place on Monday in Ramallah, and then throughout other Palestinian communities in the coming days and weeks. 

Iranian President Rouhani visited Switzerland to strengthen the two countries’ cooperation in banking, trade, science, and other areas.  They agreed on a number of things, which included maintaining the 2015 Iran nuclear agreement.  While Swizz President Alain Berset discussed the importance of recognizing Israel, Rouhani made it clear that Iran considers the “Zionist regime illegitimate.”  Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz is planning to meet with President Rouhani in Vienna tomorrow on July 4th.  The plan has been called into question and even opposed by the Simon Wiesenthal Center.  It criticized Kurz for courting with an anti-Semitic regime.

Palestinian officials argue US peace plan is not accepted among Arab nations.

According to Palestinian officials, Jared Kushner and Jason Greenblatt have not won over Arab support for the US peace plan and that the claims that some Arab nations support the plan are simply not true.  However, there is evidence that the intent and message of Jared Kushner and Jason Greenblatt have been distorted and misrepresented among Palestinians. 

Messianic Judaism – Joseph Rabinowitz

Jewish Christians, or Jewish believers in Jesus as the Messiah, were present in Jewish communities in the early centuries of Christianity.  ...