Wednesday, January 24, 2018

January 24, 2018 -- I came across an interesting article on Mike Pence's visit to Jerusalem by Aaron David Miller.

Aaron David Miller on Mike Pence's visit to Israel

Aaron David Miller had predicted that within a year of President Trump’s election, the president and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu would be at odds with one another.  His rational was that the two have such big egos that they would part ways.  However, Miller admits that he was wrong.  President Trump’s announcement that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel is an indication of the contrary.

Vice President Mike Pence’s visit to Israel exemplifies the present good relationship between the two nation’s leaders.   Under President Trump, Miller argues, “the U.S.-Israel relationship has undergone a transition from a valued special relationship to one that’s seemingly exclusive.”   Pence validated Jerusalem as Israel’s capital; he stated the US Embassy will open in Jerusalem; he promised to fix the Iran deal and if need be to drop it; and he promised to make the US-Israeli relationship even stronger.  The timing of Pence’s visit could not have been better.  Miller argues that, 

His visit came just days after Palestinian Authority Chief Mahmoud Abbas, in an unhinged speech ripping Trump’s decision on Jerusalem, veered into rank anti-Semitism and denied the Jewish people’s historic connection to Israel. “This is a colonial enterprise that has nothing to do with Jewishness,” Abbas said. “The Jews were used as a tool under the concept of the Promised Land—call it whatever you want. Everything has been made up.” Those who have been arguing for years that Abbas is no partner for peace—Netanyahu above all—hardly could have scripted it better.

Miller also noted that Pence’s speech to the Israeli government was “infused with religious references.”  The religious language is seen in several examples provided by Miller from Pence’s speech to the Knesset.

·        “The Jewish people’s unbreakable bond to this sacred city reaches back more than 3,000 years.”

·        “It was here, in Jerusalem, on Mount Moriah that Abraham offered his son, Isaac, and was credited with righteousness for his faith in God.”

·        “We stand with Israel because we believe in right over wrong, in good over evil, and in liberty over tyranny.”

Even back in 2006, when Miller interviewed Representative Pence on Israel, Pence began by quoting from the book of Genesis: “I will bless those who bless the Jews and curse those who curse thee.”

How long will this good relationship between the US and Israel last?  How will this state of affairs affect the peace process?  Miller points out some possibilities.  Some think the close relationship between the two nations will undermine the process, but that the Trump administration would disagree.  Others might argue that, “the peace process is all but dead,” or that, “you could invite Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad” to resolve the situation, but this would likely not help.

Miller concludes with various speculations.  As we await Trump’s peace plan, maybe we will be surprised.  Maybe Israel will do something that will stagnate and alienate the president.  Maybe Arab leaders will feel pressure from their people, thus asks the US to reconsider.  Maybe leaders will realize that too close of ties between Israel and the US may not be the wisest move.  Regardless, Miller states, “a major bust-up between America and Israel doesn’t seem to be one" of the options. 

January 24, 2018 -- While US Vice President Pence visits the Western Wall on Tuesday, Israeli police escort Jewish worshipers onto the Temple Mount.

Vice President Mike Pence visited the Western Wall on Tuesday.  Although the visit was only for 15 minutes, the area surrounding the wall was closed for several hours.  In the meantime, Israeli police who are responsible for the Temple Mount entrances accompanied and guided a number of Jews onto the mount.  It was reported that the visit was peaceful without the presence of large numbers of Muslim worshipers.  Under the leadership of Police Chief Yoram Halevi, Israeli police are more supportive of the increase of Jewish presence on the mount. 

Mike Pence at the Wall  (Source: ABC News)

Israeli police officers accompany members of the United Temple Movement (Photo courtesy Chaim Kroyzer/United Temple Movement)

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Janurary 23, 2018 -- Vice President Pence speaks to Israeli Knesset.

US Vice President Mike Pence
Vice President Mike Pence visited the Israeli Knesset in Jerusalem on Monday.  He is the first American vice president in history to address the Knesset.  A video shows a number of Arab MK’s who protested his speech.  However, he spoke to the Knesset for approximately 30 minutes.    He assured Israel that the US Embassy would open in Jerusalem before the end of next year (2019).  He also assured Israel that the US would continue to support the Status Quo on the Temple Mount and would agree to a two state solution if both Israel and the Palestinians agree to that solution.  Pence also commented that the land of Israel was promised to Abraham and that Abraham was promised descendants as numerous as stars, and that Jews, Christians, and Muslims claim Abraham as their fore father in faith (see video: 1:51:13-1:54:30). 

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Janurary 18, 2018 -- Rabbi David Yosef clashes with Yehuda Glick

Rabbi David Yosef
Flash 90
Rabbi David Yosef, a member of the Shas party's Council of Torah sages and the son of the late Sephardic rabbinical authority Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef, launched a blistering attack on MK Yehuda Glick (Likud) over his refusal to return to the Knesset during the Shiva mourning period for his wife in order to vote on the Supermarket Law.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Janurary 17, 2018 -- Around 40 Jews escorted off the Temple Mount on Wednesday.

Picture of the Chain Gate on the western side of the Temple Mount.  
A group of more than 40 Jews were escorted off the Temple Mount on Wednesday and 40 of them were later questioned by Israeli police.  A video surfaced which shows the group of Jews walking and praying while what appears to be Muslims standing on the side taunting them. Another video shows the group being escorted off the mount through the Iron Gate on the west side of the mount by the Israeli police. 

According to the Attorney Nati Rom who assisted them, the group of Jews were detained at the police station in Beit Eliyahu inside the Old City.  Rom explained that,  

The group was attacked by Arabs and Waqf members who began verbally attacking the group, as well as shouting 'Allahu Akbar' and more….Some of the members of the group called back Shema Yisrael, and the police began to use violence against the group. There are rabbis, public figures, and elderly, and the Israel Police discriminates against the Jews in their most holy place.

Presently it is not allowed for Jews to pray on the Temple Mount.  Only Muslims are permitted to pray.  The Israeli police inforce the restriction and will remove any Jews who are seen verbally praying.  However, there is a growing sense among some of the Jews that they should be allowed to pray on the mount.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Janurary 15, 2018 -- According to the Quran and some Islamic scholars, the Holy Land was a divine gift to the Jews.

According to Saied Shoaaib, “there is a consensus of interpretation among the most respected Sunni and Shiite Muslim scholars of past centuries -- such as Al-TabariAl-QurtubiIbn KathirIbn Abi ZaydMahmud al-AlusiAl-Baghawi -- that, according to the Quran, God gave to the Jews the land from the Nile to the Euphrates, territory that includes not only Jerusalem and Palestine, but a large part of Egypt and Iraq, and all of Jordan, Syria and Lebanon.”

Later Shoaaib states, 
The reason this is relevant today is that it exposes the hypocrisy of those radical Muslims who claim to believe in and adhere to the letter of the Quran, yet use the claim that Palestine and Jerusalem are Islamic for political purposes and propaganda.

This is not to say that because the land of Israel was a divine gift to the Jews, they therefore have all rights to it. On the contrary, no future peace between Israelis and Palestinians, both of whom reside there, will or should be determined by scripture. This proclamation, however, is as good a reason as any to stop misquoting it.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

January 11, 2018 -- John Hagee praises President Trump and his decision to move US Embassy to Jerusalem.

What does one do with John Hagee and his views?  This is a very general question and leads to ambiguities.  Hagee once espoused strong views and statements that revealed an anti-Catholic bias, which he has since apologized.  Hagee also promoted a book Four Blood Moons: Something Is About to Change (2013), in which predictions were made, which some considered superstitious.  Hagee has also been a strong supporter of Israel reviving the group Christians United for Israel in 2006.

Hagee is founder and head pastor of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas.  He is Pentecostal.  He received a Bachelor of Science degree in History and Education, a Master’s in educational administration from the University of North Texas, theological education at Southwestern Assemblies of God University in Waxahachie, an honorary doctorate from Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, and an honorary doctorate from Netanya Academic College in Israel.

Hagee has recently praised President Trump and his decision to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem.  Hagee stated,

What President Trump is doing is one of the most courageous political things that's been done in Washington in a long time….Many presidents have promised to move the embassy and declare Jerusalem as the eternal capital, but they have promised without performing….President Trump, when I spoke to him in the White House about this several weeks ago, he said this very emphatically. He said, 'Other presidents have failed you, but I will not disappoint the Christian community in this issue. I will stand with Israel, and we will at some point in time, move the embassy.' 

Hagee claims that he met with President Trump and that he talked with the president about moving the embassy in 2017 or the “Jubilee Year.”  Hagee states that he told the president that,

God measures everything in modules of 50 years….And I said this is a principle that's carried out in Leviticus, the 25th chapter….I said, 'If you look at 1917, it was a Jubilee Year, and the Balfour Amendment came, and then in 50 years, it was 1967, and Jerusalem was reconnected to Israel….And you add 50 to 1967, and you're in 2017.' I said, 'This is the year to move the embassy and make that declaration because it is a biblical timing of absolute precision.'

At this point, the math makes sense.  1917+50=1967+50=2017.  However, I am not sure what makes 1917 a Jubilee Year. 

I am certain, however, that there are parallels with important events in the Catholic Church in particular the common or lay people.  In 1917 was the year of events of Fatima, in 1967 was the beginning of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (following the Second Vatican Council from 1959-1965), and 2017 was the canonization of Francisco and Jacinta. 

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

January 9, 2018 -- Yitzhak Herzog would give Saudi Arabia special role over holy places in Jerusalem.


Opposition leader Yitzhak Herzog (Zionist Union) spoke to the Saudi Elaph news outlet, claiming his party will bring down Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's party and work to create a Palestinian state.

"The Israeli people are ready for peace, and there is a basis for reaching a historic agreement," Herzog said.

Herzog also suggested giving Saudi Arabia special status with regards to the holy places in Jerusalem.

Monday, January 8, 2018

January 9, 2018 -- Deaf woman from Germany prays on Temple Mount.

A European tourist visiting Israel has found an original way to skirt a prohibition on non-Muslim prayer on the Temple Mount recently, using sign language to "recite" the traditional Jewish prayer, “Shema Yisrael” (Hear, O Israel).

The woman, a German Christian supporter of the Jewish state who visits Israel twice a year, relies on sign language for communication, due to her deafness.

When she was informed that the Waqf – the Jordanian-based Islamic trust which administers the Temple Mount – had prohibited all non-Muslim prayer on the holy site, the woman decided to "pray" using sign language as a form of silent protest.

December 8, 2018 -- Amended Report on Iranian Protests

Amended Report on Iranian Protests

Although the street demonstrations have ended in Iran, there is growing support for the protestors.  In Los Angeles, the Iranian community protested against the regime on January 3, 2018.  In Toronto, Canada, Iranian demonstrators showed their support for peaceful regime change in Iran.  Reza Pahlavi, who is the heir of the Pahlavi Dynasty that was overthrown in 1979, criticized the reform of President Rouhani, calling instead a change in the structure of the regime.  Iran needs a voice in opposition and Reza said, “I am that voice.  In a surprising development, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on Monday, “The people have demands, some of which are economic, social and security-related, and all these demands should be heeded.”    

December 8, 2018 -- Kushner family real estate is to have received $30 million from Israel financial institution.

DEMOCRACY NOW:The New York Times reports Jared Kushner’s family real estate empire received a $30 million investment from one of Israel’s largest financial institutions, only days before Jared Kushner traveled to Israel with President Trump in May on their first diplomatic trip there. Jared Kushner is both President Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser, and he’s been tasked with brokering peace between the Israelis and Palestinians. Despite this White House role, Kushner continues to retain stakes in his family’s real estate empire, including in the apartment buildings that received part of the $30 million investment from the Israeli firm Menora Mivtachim.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

December 6, 2018 -- Although Egypt condemned the United States' decision to move its embassy to Jerusalem, they may have also quietly accepted the new situation.


Though Egypt has publicly condemned US recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and even sponsored a UN resolution rejecting the move, Cairo has quietly sought to convince the Egyptian public to accept it, the New York Times reported Saturday.

See David D. Kirkpatrick, "Tapes Reveal Egyptian Leaders' Tacit Acceptance of Jerusalem Move," The New York Times (Jan 6, 2018)

I took this picture from the Mount of Olives looking down toward the Temple Mount and Jerusalem (LFL).

Friday, January 5, 2018

December 5, 2018 -- Salman Masalha on Iran's Messianic War and the Temple Mount

Salman Masalha
I came across an opinion article entitled, “Iran’s Messianic War,” written by Salman Masalha dated January 6, 2018.

According to Salman Masalha, the Iranian religious leaders believe that the founding of the Islamic revolution and the establishment of the Iranian-Islamic state (1979) prepares the way for the appearance of Mahdi.  The Islamic revolution brought the ayatollahs to power and awakened their messianic hopes, or as Masalha calls them “messianic demons from their sleep.”  These leaders dreamed of extending the greatness of the Iranian revolution and to this end conducted their forgien affairs to “export the revolution beyond their borders.”

For this purpose, according to Masalha, the leaders took up the cause of “Palestine and Al-Quds [Temple Mount].”  The name “Palestine” was turned into a hammer with which “to bash the incompetent Arab leaders.”  The ayatollahs used the cause of Palestine to gain support from surrounding Arabs, who are sympathetic to the aspirations of the Palestinians. 

Masalha argues that Syria is important to Iran for messianic reasons because according to Shi’ite thought, Mahdi’s return is associated with a civil war that will take place in Syria and will result in hundreds of thousands of deaths.  It stars off small and then widens and intensifies.  Each time it appears to be ending in one location, it breaks out in another.  This takes place until Mahdi appears.

According to Masalha, Shi’ite traditions (associated with Ali the fourth caliph) refer to those who carry the yellow-flag, who come from the west and join in the war in Syria.  Some associate this tradition with the color of the Hezbollah’s flag.  Thus when the yellow-flag carrying fighters are joined by Iranian forces against the Shi’ite enemies in Damascus, this is a sign of Mahdi’s appearance. 

Masalha argues that Islamic Shi’ites could not care less about Palestine and Jerusalem from a religious point of view.  Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque (المسجد الاقصى‎) on the Temple Mount carry “no religious significance to the Shi’ites.”  For them Al-Aqsa means “a mosque of above” that is located in the sky and not in Jerusalem.  For the Shi’ites, the Great Mosque of Al-Kufa, associated with Ali, is holier and more important than the one on the Temple Mount. 

The Shi’ite end of days scenario has a catch says Masalha.  Arabs will not enjoy the appearance of Mahdi.  When he comes only the sword will speak to the Arabs.  Masalha questions,

Can these religious traditions explain the atrocities committed by the Alawi/Alawite regime (Bashar al-Assad?), supported by Iran and Hezbollah, against the Syrian “Arabs,” who belong to the Sunni faction?

According to Masalha,
When the Shi’ite Mahdi appears, he will bear God’s explicit name in Hebrew. He will also hold Moses’ staff, wear Solomon’s seal and carry the Israelites’ Ark of the Covenant, in which the Divine Presence (shekhina) dwells. With the ark with the Divine Presence he will conquer cities and countries and impose law and justice in the world.

If this is the state of affairs in the end of days, it seems all the commotion between the Tehran regime and the Jerusalem regime is over nothing. All that remains is to call for an Israeli-Iranian messianic convention to sort out the dispute between the Shi’ite messiah and the Jewish one.

It appears the disagreements are not significant and the gaps can easily be bridged. Surely the Jewish messiah’s followers can explain to the Shi'ite Messiah's followers that they came to the wrong address.  

January 5, 2018 -- Natan Sharansky shows support for protesters in Iran and calls for support from the free world.

Natan Sharansky argues that now is the time for the free world to show support for those in Iran who are opposed to the Iranian regime and its ideology.  He is critical of how the Obama administration decided to negotiate with the Iranian regime instead of showing support for the protesters in Iran who were looking for change in the Iranian government back in 2009.  Sharansky praised US President Trump’s support saying, “ I am glad it seems that this time the American administration is behaving differently than in 2009, and I’m sorry that it is not something that all the free world is doing.”

Natan Sharansky has a message for the well-intentioned West.
Photographer: Emil Salman/JINI/AFP/Getty Images

Thursday, January 4, 2018

January 4, 2018 -- Are the US, Israel, and Saudi Arabia instigating an Iranian war?

French President Macron accused the United States, Israel, and Saudi Arabia of deliberately instigating events that would lead to an Iranian war.  These are strong accusations.  They might be difficult to prove.  However, it does seem that the United States, Israel, and Saudi Arabia have made strong claims toward the Iranian leadership.  One wonders if Iran feels the heat.  

According to Tom O’Connor,

Trump has most recently weaponized his Twitter account to launch a barrage of insults against Iran's leadership and voice support for the scores of Iranian citizens trying to "take back their corrupt government."

O’Connor also pointed out that,

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu said on Monday, “This regime tries desperately to sow hate between us. But they won’t succeed. And when this regime finally falls, and one day it will, Iranians and Israelis will be great friends once again."

It is no secret that the governments of Saudi Arabia and Iran are at odds with one another.  Callum Paton reported back on November 24, 2017 that the Saudi Prince Mohammed Bin Salman compares the Iranian leader Ayatollah Ali Khameni with Hitler.  Bin Salman appears to be building an Arab coallition against Iran with the support of the Trump administration. 

The remarks from Bin Salman on the Ayatollah Ali Khameni came from an article written by Thomas Freedman who had traveled to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in order to interview the Saudi prince.  In the interview Bin Salman argued that Iran’s “supreme leader is the new Hitler of the Middle East,” and that, “we learned from Europe that appeasement doesn’t work. We don’t want the new Hitler in Iran to repeat what happened in Europe in the Middle East.”  I am unsure how Saudi Arabia would respond to what they perceive (or should I say portray) as the current situation with Iran.  However, there is an interesting video that appeared on YouTube that shows in the mind and imagination of some individuals how things might play out.  The  video appeared online in December, 2017 showing a computer simulation (almost game like) of an unprovoked attack on a Saudi Arabian humanitarian mission by Iranian forces after which a war breaks out and the Saudi Arabian invasion of Iranian forces in Yemen. 

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

January 3, 2018 -- Update on Iran

General Mohammad Ali Jafari, who is the head of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards, declared that the unrest is over.  However, it is unclear whether this means the unrest is over in all of the cities or just the ones in which the Revolutionary Guards would have attempted to suppress.  There were also “pro-government” demonstrations on Wednesday in ten cities, including Tehran, which were in response to the earlier anti-government demonstrations this past week.    

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

January 2, 2018 -- Update on Iran: Keep an eye on Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and the Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei

Here is an update on Iran.  Keep an eye on Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and the Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.  It is now reported that at least 21 people have been killed.  It appears that Iran is blocking encrypted messaging apps among the growing protests.  Hundreds of Iranians are being detained as the government clamps down on the protesters.

Ray Takeyh, who is an Iranian-American Middle East scholar, argues that the Islamic Republic has a chance of surviving the political unrest.  Back in 2009, the so called “Green Revolution” nearly brought down the Iranian government.  This time too, “It is possible that an Islamist regime…will survive this latest challenge to its authority,” but with little mercy in killing its own citizens.  Should the Islamic Republic survive, however, Takeyh argues that, “the Iranian theocracy will not be the same, with the principal casualty of this week being the presidency of Hassan Rouhani. As the Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and his hardline disciples assess their predicament, they are likely to hunker down and insist on more repression at home.”

Takeyh argues that,
As Rouhani’s presidency lingers, Khamenei and the hardliners are likely to use their commanding institutional power to finally impose their vision of pristine Islamist rule. In their eyes, both reformers and centrists stand suspect today as their promises have only provoked popular insurrections. Iran’s conservatives are imbued with an ideology that views the essential purpose of the state as the realization of God’s will on Earth. Such an exalted task mandates the assumption of power not by tentative moderates but devout revolutionaries.

Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei (left) gives an endorsement letter to newly elected President Hassan Rohani during a ceremony for his confirmation as Iran's president in Tehran on August 3.

Monday, January 1, 2018

January 1, 2018 -- Update on Iranian Protests, and Prime Minister Netanyahu on the Protests

According to Aljazeera News, the anti-government protests in Iran have entered their fifth day.  One site has stated that at least 13 protestors have been killed as the protests spread throughout the country.  The demonstrators are protesting against the ruling religious authorities.  The causes of the unrest include economic hardships, alleged corruption in the government, and Iran’s foreign policy.  The protests are said to be spontaneous, decentralized, and without any clear leaders.   While the Iranian President Hassan Rouhani blames the United States and what he calls the “Zionist regime” for the protests, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu in a video responded saying, “I heard today Iran’s President Rohani’s claim that Israel is behind the protests in Iran,” and that, “It’s not only false. It’s laughable.”  You can see the video here.  Netanyahu argues that it is the Iranian government who is sowing seeds of hatred.  The Iranians are simply smarter than that and that this regime will fall and that once again, “Iranians and Israelis will be great friends.”  Netanyahu went on to say, “I wish the Iranian people success in their noble quest for freedom.”   
Netanyahu’s remarks on Monday followed comments by Rouhani, who on Sunday accused the US and its two close allies, Israel and Saudi Arabia, of fuelling the recent unrest in Iran. (Reuters)

Messianic Judaism – Joseph Rabinowitz

Jewish Christians, or Jewish believers in Jesus as the Messiah, were present in Jewish communities in the early centuries of Christianity.  ...