The creation of the world,
The patience and longsuffering with humanity,
The promises and the covenants,
The sending and returning of your Beloved Son,
The pouring forth of your Holy Spirit upon all peoples,
nations, tongues and tribes,
And the worship that all creation offers to you.
Father, may we offer to you an acceptable
offering, oblation, in union with Christ’s body and blood, offering to you what
is your own. May we offer to you the
body and blood, the soul and divinity of your dearly Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and for the sins of the whole world.
God of creation, may we offer to you the first fruits of the
bread and wine, through the first fruits of the risen Christ, through his power
and presence in the Holy Spirit. May we
offer to you our whole heart, mind, soul and strength (Mk 12:28-34), as a holy,
living, reasonable, spiritual and perfect sacrifice (Rom 12:1-2).
Father, may we praise you through, with and in the glory
of your name that you have caused to dwell among us through the working of Christ
in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Through him, with him and in him, in the unity of the Holy
Spirit, all glory of the kingdom is yours Almighty Father, both now and
forever. Amen!